:: This file accompanies the VORTEX Sybase Backup script. :: Use two colons to denote a comment. :: The Sybase Database Server DBSERVER=VORTEXDB :: The Sybase Database Name, master will be backed up automatically DBNAME=Vortex :: The database user name, which should be sa DBUSER=sa :: Optional, the sa password. If not set here it must be specified on the command line DBKEY= :: The path to the tape backup directory TAPEBACKUPDRIVE=T:\Archive\Backups\Sybase :: The path to the SAN backup directory SANBKUPDRIVE=X:\Archive\Backups\Sybase :: the dump file name for the database DUMPFILE=Sybase_%DBNAME%_%datetime%.dump :: the dump file name for the master database MDUMPFILE=Sybase_Master_%datetime%.dump :: temporary file name for the automated sql script SQLSCRIPT=Sybase_%DBNAME%_Backup_%datetime%.sql :: the name of the log file TEMPLOG=sqlout.log FINALLOG=Sybase_%DBNAME%_%datetime%.log