print  [print page]
(the following is a page I wrote for the AFIS Field Manual, and illustrates the use of the toolkit, linear navigation, and teh digital pcture frame. The detach and close window icon in the upper write is defines in common.js; it changes from detach to close when the window is detached. The back and next buttons are defines by looking up the page's pageName entry in pageindex.js and then calling linearNavigation from common.js to build the links. The digital picture frame changeImage function is defined in the header of this page. Finally, the custom tooltips call a function from common.js. )

Using this Manual

This manual functions like a web page, and includes several features that can be used to navigate through the documentation. The features of this field manual require a modern browser with javascript enabled. It has been tested with Internet Explorer 6 (Windows XP SP2), Internet Explorer 7 (Windows Vista), and Mozilla Firefox 2.0. The latter is recommended due to its excellent support for World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standards.

To ensure proper display of all graphics and text a monitor resolution of 1280x1024 or higher is recommended. Detached pages were designed for a display of 1024x768 or higher.

Navigation Menu

On the left side of your screen you will find the navigation menu. This menu is organized like the chapters of a book. Under each chapter chapter you will find organized folders folder which contain selectable pages. Pages are denoted by the document icon page, and further information about that page can be found by hovering your mouse over the link to reveal a tooltip. The full term for acronyms such as AFIS are also revealed using custom tooltips. Hover your mouse over this icon (this is a tooltip) or this text to view an example tooltip.

View Iwo Jima Toggle Iwo Jima View an F-16 flyby Fly By View an F-15 making a pit stop Pit Stop
Select an image toggle above

Navigation Toolkit

At the top of this page you will also find the navigation toolkit. This contains a number of useful tools such as a print tool print icon, a page detacher detach page icon, and linear navigation buttons go back icon go next icon. The page detacher allows you to open the page in a new window without the full navigation menu on the left. This is helpful for printing pages, or for a full screen view. The linear navigation icons for "back" and "next" allow you to navigate from page to page in sequence without having to use the full navigation menu (these links also contain hover tooltips revealing what the previous and next page topics are). This is especially helpful when you are viewing pages in a separate, detached window.

Picture Frames

Several documents in this field manual include illustrations and diagrams. The illustrations are designed to integrate into the documentation text, and are embedded as digital 'picture frames'. The picture in each picture frame can be changed by selecting an image toggle icon image toggle or the image name at the top of each picture frame. This allows for media rich pages without cluttering up the document text. An example picture frame can be found to the right. Click "Iwo Jima" or the other toggles to view the example.

Copyright © 2006 Justin Mercier
Tigra Pro © SoftComplex